Thursday, January 24, 2008

The New Economy

It always seems like those destined to save society are the ones most shunned by it.

Previously, it was the intelligent. The nerds and geeks being shoved in gym class and never went to school dances are now some of the richest and most powerful men in the world. You think Bill Gates ever got laid in high school?

Yet today it is those people leading the country, and keeping our economy alive. In a world where anything can be made cheaper in a country without labor laws and then shipped here, it is the ultra-intelligent that keep us ahead of the rest of the world.

But this is changing.

The world is beginning to catch up. Other countries with far superior educational systems are coming up with technologies we aren't even close to. For the first time ever, GM is not the largest manufacturer of cars in the world. Toyota has passed GM as the leading producer of cars not due to their lower standards, but because of their inventions in hybrid technology.

So who will save us when the intelligent can not?

Well, now we will be saved by yet another shunned group.

The creative.

The creative class. The bohemians. Those people with tattoos all over their body who go to see shows and local bands. The people with artistic talent and design sense. The right-brainers.

Intellect can be trained from a young age, but you can't teach someone what makes a design appealing. You can't train creativity. It must be absorbed, through culture, something that America still has in spades.

And the artists will lead us into the next age of the American economy.

And the word of the day is:
The Creative Class

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